Monday, October 7, 2013

Last quarter of 2013

Jan, Feb, Mac, Apr, May, June, July, Aug, Sept....

and is finally October.

How are u doing & what have you done?

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Accept the truth of reality & live to love yourself & your body. 

You only have one body, it's follow from the day u born till the day u leave the world. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Super moon 2013

Past few days is the super moon day of the year but my place is full of haze. I can't see very clear pic of the moon it. Here is another super moon version to myself. 

I saw it when I sort of waking up or so called insomnia. Kill me pls, what makes me wake up tis time? I need work later. =.=|||

Dated : 25th June 2013 

Dated: 22nd June 2013 (credited to someone who trying to captured the best moon pic to me)

Sunday, May 19, 2013


Have u ever wake up of hearing your crying sound or just urself being over emotional that causes u cry in your dream? 

This happened not only once to me but a few times. I really don't know why this will happened on me. 

Am I too silly or just that I haven't let go? 
Tears will drop whenever mum or whoever mention it's name. Ain't it over & we live in our own world? 

I need silent medications too calm down or I just not suitable to live in this environment? A new change would be better for me? 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Chaiwalla & Co.,

While waiting..

What is life mean to u?

Thursday, February 28, 2013



I had forgive him & truly wish him all the best.


Friday, February 22, 2013




1。 永远不要让任何男人成为你生命中的全部。男人是很犯贱的,你越有自信,越不在乎他,他就越紧张你,越爱你。

2。 要拥有自己的事业。 现在的男人易变,你永远不知道他什么时候会变心,自己的事业才是最好的生活保障,不是男人。 许多女人为了家庭而放弃事业,其实有很多事业是可以家庭和事业兼顾的,比如传销,保险,写作,家教,家庭加工等,只要时间分配好,不要过分强求钱赚多或少,你是可以轻松经营家庭, 兼顾事业。


4。不要过度的索取, 也不要不忍要求礼物。男人送礼物给女人其实会让男人感到光荣,你不让他送给你,他就只好把礼物送给别的女生以满足自己的虚荣心。收到礼物的时候,要开心的笑说:谢谢你, 亲爱的,我好喜欢。(就算你真的觉得那礼物很没Taste都要这样说!)

5。当爱情或婚姻遇到第三者袭击时,千万不要一哭二闹三自杀来挽回。到目前为此,我还没看到这招是能挽回爱情或婚姻的实案。 这时候哭闹只会让他觉得你很烦, 相反的,当你很大方的自动退出这三角恋反而会让他不舍。(请参考第一条文)


7。就算结婚了,在家都要打扮自己。 没有人喜欢看黄脸婆,包括你自己,也是喜欢看美丽漂亮的可人儿。

8。不要为任何人放弃你的朋友, 忽视你的家人。 要知道, 当爱情不在了,真正支持你的不是那个曾经的山盟海誓的男人, 而是这些家人,朋友。

9。 不要把人生当苦行,而是把人生当修行。 任何发生的事都不过是在考验自己的修行而已,只要把自己的功课做好,让结果以微笑自信的态度听天由命吧。

10。学会做女人。男人需要的是个温柔大方,善解人意,能陪他一起做任何事的完美女神;男人最不喜欢你像妈妈那样不断唠叨,你也不需要像女佣那样会做家务,你更不是他特地娶回家的煮饭婆, 也不需要做女强人,只需要做个可爱的小女人就好。


Worth reading.:)
& source from :

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Feb 2013

Is February which mean forever alone month? Need terms or known as Internet language that I learned recently. Haha.

I should glad enjoy it. Shld let myself distract by the stupid emotion feeling. Life goes on and on. I must know & learn to forget.

Maybe a glass of bitter gout mix with pear will help me to stay more clear and awake. ;)

Friday, February 1, 2013




Monday, January 21, 2013

Happily Sunday

Thanks god for giving me another wonderful weekend with sisters & nephew. ;)

Life can be simple easy & contented when you spent with family.

FAMILY = Father And Mother I Love You

Our life is given by our parents same to siblings as well. We didnt choose which family to be born, whose daughter/son to be and who to be our siblings but is already arrange and destine.

Thanks sisters and brother for being part of my life. Although I use to dislikes and hate you all when I was young. But I'm so wrong, what you all did was a second role character of parents to take care of me, protect me, and love me.

Still remember last Christmas, staying at brother house. Everything was well taken care by him and sister-in-law. He even prepare meal for me ;)

And also is first time brother take initiative to spent Christmas Eve with me. 'Blissful'
Although we didnt manage grab turkey or draught beer, but the quality time we spending is much more expensive than the expensive food & drinks. <3 br="">
I'm proud to said I have a pair of typical china-men dad & so-worry mum as parents, 3 sisters & 1 brother who love more me more than themselves. ;)

#1 Loh han zai & tang yuan buy bro

#2 Bro wedding on 9/12/2012

#3 Lau's Sister
3rd sis, 2nd sis, me & big sis

# Family portrait with god-sis 

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Happy new year peeps..

Is January, beginning of a year again. New year with new resolution ?
Nah~ I don't think I have.

But I'm learning to be a better me & be brave to face everything ;)

God, pls give me the strength! I really need it to move forward!

I want looking forward for everything!
I want make decision without regret!
I want be the special & the one and only one Meng Her in this world & make my parents feel proud to this daughter!

Shld be action loud than speak. I must proof it. Go go! I must do it!

Work smart , play hard! ;)